Dr. Marcia Schmidt's Supplements

This page features Dr. Marcia Schmidt's book, "The Nuts, Bolts & Greens of a Healthy Back", her Green Formula rich in minerals especially Calcium and Magnesium, and her White Willow Bark, a natural pain reliever.
CalciumTN The Green Formula
This dark green formula is rich in minerals especially calcium and magnesium and is in the correct proportion for human absorption to unlock the mechanism that causes muscles to spasm. This unique formula is for bad backs, sore muscles, headaches, sciatica and osteoporsis. Green is the perfect nutrition for muscles Green is the perfect nutrition for nerves Green is the perfect nutrition for bones Green is a powerful blood cleaner Green is easily digested
Price: $16.00
WhiteWillowBarkTN.jpg White Willow Bark
Natural aspirin-pain and blood thinning properties for painful joints and headache.
Price: $10.00
bookTN.jpg The Nuts, Bolts & Greens of a Healthy Back
This book is a personal account of how an alternative healer uses minerals such as calcium and magnesium with ancient Chinese theory to relieve back, neck, shoulder pain as well as headaches, menstrual cramps and TMJ. The doctor reveals startling information that soda pop and beef steal vast amounts of these valuable nutrients, causing much of the back pain and headache tension that cripples both men and women. How to repair the damage, which foods will heal you, and which drop you to your knees with pain, are all addressed. Add a touch of metaphysical wisdom that your disease is somehow your special gift, and you will love Dr. Marcia Schmidt's loving, low-key approach to recovering your health.
Price: $15.00